The Monsanto doctrine has now become the Big Brother of Agriculture.

 "How are the unelected officials in Brussels planning to reduce 1/3 of GHG emissions by 2050? Very similarly to how they are dealing with the non-renewable energies. They intend to bankrupt these farmers by demanding new costly inputs to production and radical new genetic manipulated patented plants with unproven safety. In other words, the Monsanto doctrine has now become the Big Brother of Agriculture.

There are many documented cases of farmers being sued by Monsanto because a neighbouring farm was using Monsanto’s patented seeds that would at some very predictable point land on the plot of a neighbouring farm. This is what seeds do, they are dispersed by the wind. However, incredibly, Monsanto set a legal precedent whereby farmers could be sued for having Monsanto seeds growing, unbeknownst to them, amongst their crop. How is any farmer, with open farmland, supposed to protect themselves from such a predicament? They cannot. The only choice is to also purchase the exorbitantly priced and self-sterilizing Monsanto suicide seeds every year."

Source (Full Article at): The EU’s ‘Fit for 55,’ ‘Farm to Fork’ & the Freezing of Nord Stream 2: A Mass Sacrifice to the Gods? 

Author: Cynthia Chung