

With genital reassignment surgery (GRS) still inaccessible to most trans women mostly due to cost, and with many trans women deciding they don’t need to change their bodies, trans femme bottoms have explored and developed new ways to experience receptive sex. Additionally, a lot of trans women have trouble getting or maintaining erections due to the hormones they take for transitioning. Enter muffing. Muffing is a sex act coined by Mira Bellwether, author of the zine  “Fucking Trans Women,”  widely considered to be the first and most in-depth guide to having sex with pre- and non-op trans femme bodies. Assigned-male-at-birth (AMAB) bodies each have inguinal canals, these are the spaces from which testicles descend at puberty. Trans women often use these canals for “tucking,” pushing their testicles inside their bodies to create a flat crotch. Muffing originated as a sex act from tucking. Reached by email, Bellwether describes how muffing works, “The basic process of muffing is...

Neue Slowenische Kunst in Lyon - Perspektive 2/2 (English version)

An interview with Alexei Monroe (*) : "Alexei Monroe : Laibach and NSK 's aim is to make people "aware that totalitarianism isn’t a discrete historical phenomenon which went on from let’s say 1933 to 1989 and then it’s over so let’s have a nice triumph of liberal democracy " The Captain Spaulding's Bizarre Freaky Circus : Hello Alexei Monroe, you are well known in France for your work with Laibach and the NSK. Could you tell us how this first meeting in Lyon came about? How did you plan the event ? Alexei Monroe : I’m not the actual organiser. Bertrand Thibert is the organiser and he invited me. This is a follow-up to the First Congress of NSK Citizens in Berlin which took place last October. Bertrand was one of the delegates to the Congress and he was one of the main activists. The Congress was a kind of experiment to bring citizens together for the first time to see what would happen, if they could reach common points of agreement and what they would like the...

Buddhist Anarchism by Gary Snyder

Buddhism holds that the universe and all creatures in it are intrinsically in a state of complete wisdom, love and compassion; acting in natural response and mutual interdependence. The personal realization of this from-the-beginning state cannot be had for and by one-“self” — because it is not fully realized unless one has given the self up; and away. In the Buddhist view, that which obstructs the effortless manifestation of this is Ignorance, which projects into fear and needless craving. Historically, Buddhist philosophers have failed to analyze out the degree to which ignorance and suffering are caused or encouraged by social factors, considering fear-and-desire to be given facts of the human condition. Consequently the major concern of Buddhist philosophy is epistemology and “psychology” with no attention paid to historical or sociological problems. Although Mahayana Buddhism has a grand vision of universal salvation, the actual achievement of Buddhism has been the development of ...